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Property insurance provides financial reimbursements to the owner/renter of the property and third parties

if they sustain injuries on the property.

Property insurance products include Bharat Griha Raksha, Bharat Laghu, and Bharat Sookshma Udyam.

Property Insurance Coverage

  • Fire and allied perils 

  • An explosion of domestic

  • appliances 

  • Burglary and Housebreaking

  • Electrical and machinery

  • breakdown

Most common exclusions
  • Willful destruction of your property

  • Losses or damages caused due to wear and tear, war, invasion, etc.

  • Antiques, cash, painting, work of art

  • Damages arise due to defective construction

  • Loss or damage due to nuclear activity

  • Loss or damage of property/office equipment that arises when engaged in unlawful activities

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